
What Happens To Protein Molecules When You Change Ph Proteins

Learning Objectives

  1. Describe the four levels of poly peptide structure.
  2. Identify the types of attractive interactions that concord proteins in their most stable iii-dimensional structure.
  3. Explain what happens when proteins are denatured.
  4. Identify how a protein tin be denatured.

Each of the thousands of naturally occurring proteins has its own characteristic amino acid composition and sequence that result in a unique three-dimensional shape. Since the 1950s, scientists have determined the amino acrid sequences and three-dimensional conformation of numerous proteins and thus obtained important clues on how each protein performs its specific function in the body.

Proteins are compounds of high tooth mass consisting largely or entirely of chains of amino acids. Because of their great complication, protein molecules cannot be classified on the basis of specific structural similarities, as carbohydrates and lipids are categorized. The two major structural classifications of proteins are based on far more than general qualities: whether the protein is (one) fiberlike and insoluble or (ii) globular and soluble. Some proteins, such as those that compose hair, pare, muscles, and connective tissue, are fiberlike. These gristly proteins are insoluble in water and commonly serve structural, connective, and protective functions. Examples of fibrous proteins are keratins, collagens, myosins, and elastins. Hair and the outer layer of pare are composed of keratin. Connective tissues contain collagen. Myosins are musculus proteins and are capable of wrinkle and extension. Elastins are found in ligaments and the elastic tissue of artery walls.

Globular proteins, the other major form, are soluble in aqueous media. In these proteins, the bondage are folded so that the molecule as a whole is roughly spherical. Familiar examples include egg albumin from egg whites and serum albumin in blood. Serum albumin plays a major function in transporting fatty acids and maintaining a proper remainder of osmotic pressures in the torso. Hemoglobin and myoglobin, which are important for bounden oxygen, are also globular proteins.

Levels of Poly peptide Construction

The structure of proteins is generally described equally having four organizational levels. The first of these is the main structure, which is the number and sequence of amino acids in a protein's polypeptide chain or chains, beginning with the free amino group and maintained past the peptide bonds connecting each amino acid to the side by side. The primary structure of insulin, composed of 51 amino acids, is shown in Figure 9.1 "Primary Structure of Human Insulin".

Figure nine.1 Principal Structure of Homo Insulin

Human insulin, whose amino acid sequence is shown here, is a hormone that is required for the proper metabolism of glucose.

A protein molecule is not a random tangle of polypeptide chains. Instead, the chains are bundled in unique but specific conformations. The term secondary construction refers to the fixed arrangement of the polypeptide backbone. On the ground of X ray studies, Linus Pauling and Robert Corey postulated that sure proteins or portions of proteins twist into a spiral or a helix. This helix is stabilized by intrachain hydrogen bonding between the carbonyl oxygen cantlet of one amino acid and the amide hydrogen atom iv amino acids upward the chain (located on the next plough of the helix) and is known as a right-handed α-helix. X ray data bespeak that this helix makes ane turn for every 3.6 amino acids, and the side chains of these amino acids projection outward from the coiled backbone (Figure 9.2 "A Brawl-and-Stick Model of an α-Helix"). The α-keratins, found in hair and wool, are exclusively α-helical in conformation. Some proteins, such equally gamma globulin, chymotrypsin, and cytochrome c, take little or no helical structure. Others, such every bit hemoglobin and myoglobin, are helical in certain regions but non in others.

Figure 9.ii A Ball-and-Stick Model of an α-Helix

This ball-and-stick model shows the intrachain hydrogen bonding between carbonyl oxygen atoms and amide hydrogen atoms. Each turn of the helix spans 3.6 amino acids. Notation that the side chains (represented as green spheres) point out from the helix.

Another common blazon of secondary structure, called the β-pleated canvass conformation, is a sheetlike arrangement in which ii or more extended polypeptide chains (or separate regions on the same chain) are aligned adjacent. The aligned segments can run either parallel or antiparallel—that is, the N-terminals tin can face in the aforementioned direction on adjacent chains or in different directions—and are connected by interchain hydrogen bonding (Figure 9.3 "A Ball-and-Stick Model of the β-Pleated Sail Structure in Proteins"). The β-pleated sheet is particularly of import in structural proteins, such equally silk fibroin. It is too seen in portions of many enzymes, such as carboxypeptidase A and lysozyme.

Figure ix.3 A Ball-and-Stick Model of the β-Pleated Canvass Structure in Proteins

The side chains extend higher up or below the sheet and alternating along the chain. The poly peptide chains are held together by interchain hydrogen bonding.

Tertiary construction refers to the unique three-dimensional shape of the protein as a whole, which results from the folding and bending of the poly peptide backbone. The third structure is intimately tied to the proper biochemical functioning of the poly peptide. Figure 9.4 "A Ribbon Model of the Three-Dimensional Structure of Insulin" shows a depiction of the three-dimensional structure of insulin.

Figure 9.four A Ribbon Model of the Three-Dimensional Structure of Insulin

The spiral regions represent sections of the polypeptide chain that have an α-helical structure, while the broad arrows represent β-pleated canvass structures.

Four major types of bonny interactions determine the shape and stability of the third structure of proteins.

1. Ionic bonding. Ionic bonds issue from electrostatic attractions between positively and negatively charged side chains of amino acids. For example, the mutual attraction between an aspartic acrid carboxylate ion and a lysine ammonium ion helps to maintain a particular folded expanse of a protein (part (a) of Effigy 9.5 "3rd Protein Structure Interactions").

2. Hydrogen bonding. Hydrogen bonding forms between a highly electronegative oxygen atom or a nitrogen atom and a hydrogen cantlet attached to another oxygen atom or a nitrogen atom, such every bit those institute in polar amino acid side chains. Hydrogen bonding (every bit well every bit ionic attractions) is extremely of import in both the intra- and intermolecular interactions of proteins (function (b) of Figure nine.5 "3rd Protein Construction Interactions").

iii. Disulfide linkages. 2 cysteine amino acid units may exist brought close together as the protein molecule folds. Subsequent oxidation and linkage of the sulfur atoms in the highly reactive sulfhydryl (SH) groups leads to the formation of cystine (part (c) of Figure 9.5 "3rd Protein Construction Interactions"). Intrachain disulfide linkages are found in many proteins, including insulin (yellow bars in Effigy ix.ane "Primary Construction of Human Insulin") and take a potent stabilizing effect on the third structure.

4. Dispersion forces. Dispersion forces arise when a normally nonpolar atom becomes momentarily polar due to an uneven distribution of electrons, leading to an instantaneous dipole that induces a shift of electrons in a neighboring nonpolar atom. Dispersion forces are weak only can be important when other types of interactions are either missing or minimal (part (d) of Effigy ix.5 "Tertiary Protein Structure Interactions"). This is the case with fibroin, the major protein in silk, in which a high proportion of amino acids in the poly peptide have nonpolar side bondage. The term hydrophobic interaction is often misused as a synonym for dispersion forces. Hydrophobic interactions ascend because water molecules engage in hydrogen bonding with other water molecules (or groups in proteins capable of hydrogen bonding). Because nonpolar groups cannot appoint in hydrogen bonding, the protein folds in such a way that these groups are buried in the interior role of the protein structure, minimizing their contact with h2o.

Effigy  nine.5 Tertiary Protein Structure Interactions

Iv interactions stabilize the 3rd construction of a protein: (a) ionic bonding, (b) hydrogen bonding, (c) disulfide linkages, and (d) dispersion forces.

When a protein contains more one polypeptide concatenation, each chain is called a subunit. The arrangement of multiple subunits represents a fourth level of structure, the fourth structure of a protein. Hemoglobin, with four polypeptide chains or subunits, is the most ofttimes cited example of a poly peptide having quaternary structure (Figure 9.6 "The Fourth Construction of Hemoglobin"). The quaternary structure of a poly peptide is produced and stabilized by the aforementioned kinds of interactions that produce and maintain the tertiary structure. A schematic representation of the four levels of protein structure is in Figure 9.vii "Levels of Structure in Proteins".

Figure 9.half dozen The Quaternary Construction of Hemoglobin

Hemoglobin is a poly peptide that transports oxygen throughout the body.

Figure 9.7 Levels of Construction in Proteins

The primary construction consists of the specific amino acrid sequence. The resulting peptide chain tin can twist into an α-helix, which is one type of secondary structure. This helical segment is incorporated into the tertiary structure of the folded polypeptide chain. The single polypeptide chain is a subunit that constitutes the quaternary structure of a protein, such as hemoglobin that has four polypeptide chains.

Denaturation of Proteins

The highly organized structures of proteins are truly masterworks of chemical compages. Only highly organized structures tend to have a certain delicacy, and this is truthful of proteins. Denaturation is the term used for any change in the 3-dimensional construction of a poly peptide that renders information technology incapable of performing its assigned part. A denatured poly peptide cannot do its job. (Sometimes denaturation is equated with the precipitation or coagulation of a protein; our definition is a bit broader.) A wide variety of reagents and weather, such as heat, organic compounds, pH changes, and heavy metal ions tin can cause protein denaturation (Tabular array 9.1 "Protein Denaturation Methods").

Table 9.1 Poly peptide Denaturation Methods

Method Effect on Protein Structure
Heat above 50°C or ultraviolet (UV) radiation Estrus or UV radiation supplies kinetic energy to protein molecules, causing their atoms to vibrate more than rapidly and disrupting relatively weak hydrogen bonding and dispersion forces.
Use of organic compounds, such as ethyl booze These compounds are capable of engaging in intermolecular hydrogen bonding with poly peptide molecules, disrupting intramolecular hydrogen bonding within the poly peptide.
Salts of heavy metal ions, such every bit mercury, argent, and lead These ions grade strong bonds with the carboxylate anions of the acidic amino acids or SH groups of cysteine, disrupting ionic bonds and disulfide linkages.
Alkaloid reagents, such every bit tannic acid (used in tanning leather) These reagents combine with positively charged amino groups in proteins to disrupt ionic bonds.

Anyone who has fried an egg has observed denaturation. The articulate egg white turns opaque every bit the albumin denatures and coagulates. No one has yet reversed that process. However, given the proper circumstances and enough time, a protein that has unfolded under sufficiently gentle weather can refold and may again exhibit biological activeness (Figure 9.8 "Denaturation and Renaturation of a Protein"). Such show suggests that, at least for these proteins, the primary structure determines the secondary and third structure. A given sequence of amino acids seems to prefer its particular three-dimensional organisation naturally if weather condition are right.

Figure 9.eight Denaturation and Renaturation of a Protein

The denaturation (unfolding) and renaturation (refolding) of a poly peptide is depicted. The carmine boxes represent stabilizing interactions, such as disulfide linkages, hydrogen bonding, and/or ionic bonds.

The primary structures of proteins are quite sturdy. In general, fairly vigorous conditions are needed to hydrolyze peptide bonds. At the secondary through quaternary levels, yet, proteins are quite vulnerable to attack, though they vary in their vulnerability to denaturation. The delicately folded globular proteins are much easier to denature than are the tough, fibrous proteins of pilus and skin.

Concept Review Exercises

  1. What is the predominant attractive forcefulness that stabilizes the formation of secondary structure in proteins?

  2. Distinguish betwixt the tertiary and 4th levels of protein structure.

  3. Briefly draw four means in which a protein could be denatured.


  1. hydrogen bonding

  2. Tertiary structure refers to the unique three-dimensional shape of a single polypeptide concatenation, while quaternary structure describes the interaction between multiple polypeptide chains for proteins that take more one polypeptide concatenation.

  3. (one) heat a protein above l°C or expose it to UV radiation; (two) add together organic solvents, such equally ethyl alcohol, to a protein solution; (three) add salts of heavy metal ions, such equally mercury, silver, or lead; and (4) add alkaloid reagents such as tannic acrid

Key Takeaways

  • Proteins can be divided into 2 categories: gristly, which tend to be insoluble in h2o, and globular, which are more soluble in water.
  • A protein may have upwardly to four levels of structure. The main structure consists of the specific amino acrid sequence. The resulting peptide chain can form an α-helix or β-pleated sheet (or local structures non every bit easily categorized), which is known equally secondary structure. These segments of secondary structure are incorporated into the 3rd structure of the folded polypeptide chain. The quaternary construction describes the arrangements of subunits in a protein that contains more than one subunit.
  • 4 major types of attractive interactions determine the shape and stability of the folded poly peptide: ionic bonding, hydrogen bonding, disulfide linkages, and dispersion forces.
  • A wide diverseness of reagents and weather condition can cause a protein to unfold or denature.


1. Classify each protein equally gristly or globular.

a. albumin

b. myosin

c. fibroin

2. Classify each poly peptide every bit gristly or globular.

a. hemoglobin

b. keratin

c. myoglobin

3. What name is given to the predominant secondary construction institute in silk?

4. What proper name is given to the predominant secondary structure found in wool protein?

v. A protein has a tertiary construction formed by interactions between the side chains of the following pairs of amino acids. For each pair, place the strongest type of interaction between these amino acids.

a. aspartic acid and lysine

b. phenylalanine and alanine

c. serine and lysine

d. two cysteines

6. A protein has a tertiary construction formed past interactions betwixt the side chains of the following pairs of amino acids. For each pair, identify the strongest type of interaction betwixt these amino acids.

a. valine and isoleucine

b. asparagine and serine

c. glutamic acid and arginine

d. tryptophan and methionine

7. What level(due south) of protein structure is(are) commonly disrupted in denaturation? What level(due south) is(are) not?

eight. Which class of proteins is more hands denatured—fibrous or globular?



a. globular

b. fibrous

c. fibrous

iii. β-pleated sheet


a. ionic bonding

b. dispersion forces

c. dispersion forces

d. disulfide linkage

7. Poly peptide denaturation disrupts the secondary, tertiary, and quaternary levels of structure. Only chief construction is unaffected past denaturation.


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