
How To Get A Villager To Change Profession

How to Change Villager Jobs in Minecraft

Minecraft villagers have a mind of their own, but they tin be employed


Trying to change villager jobs in Minecraft? Minecraft is one of the most popular games ever released. Played worldwide on every game platform available, the game still receives frequent updates and added content. Despite the long-running success of Minecraft, some things still elude players. The sandbox survival game offers countless possibilities to build, battle and adventure. Featuring many unlike biomes, weather options, animals and mobs, anything can happen. Minecraft's villagers are one of the passive mobs that spawn in the overworld. These harmless people go about their daily life and fulfill themselves with careers!

How to Change Villager Jobs in Minecraft

At that place is, thankfully, a simple manner to alter your Minecraft villager jobs in your settlement. The start affair to do is check their previous career – this can be done by looking at their clothing or what block(s) they interact with. From at that place, players will need to destroy the associated job site. This will cause the villager to get aroused, but they volition go off in search of a vacant plot. If there is a spare job site, they will wander over to it and accept that as their new fated career. And in that location y'all have it – your villager now has a new profession.

Available Villager Careers


Currently, there are thirteen bachelor Minecraft villager jobs for them to take on. They all require the right blocks to be in a task site that is reachable by the villagers. These jobs are listed below, with the associated blocks that villagers require to work;

  • Farmer – composter detail (and a field).
  • Mason – stonecutter.
  • Fisherman – barrel (near water).
  • Cartographer – cartography tabular array.
  • Librarian – lectern.
  • Cleric – brewing stand.
  • Weaponsmith – grindstone.
  • Leatherworker – cauldron.
  • Shepherd – loom.
  • Fletcher – fletching tabular array.
  • Toolsmith – smithing table.
  • Armorer – blast furnace (made with iv atomic number 26 ingots, three smooth stone blocks and a furnace).
  • Butcher – smoker (combine four pieces of natural wood with a furnace).

It is easy to tell which job a villager is assigned to as there are associated outfits. For instance a farmer will habiliment a straw chapeau, clerics don majestic robes and leatherworkers are equipped with a heavy brown frock. Withal – at that place are nitwit villagers that will not work. They can be identified by their green clothing. Don't bother trying to brand them work, they won't take whatsoever career.

How to Get More Villagers in Minecraft

Now,getting villagers into your hamlet is the tricky role. If y'all create your own settlement from scratch, villagers won't automatically spawn. They unfortunately take to be coaxed from other places. The best way to practise this is to discover an existing village and 'steal' the villagers. You lot tin push them into a gunkhole or mine carts, and ship them dorsum to their new domicile. From at that place yous can push them into your hamlet where they will gradually get towards the job sites and homes available.


You lot can also cure zombie villagers – though this is a flake more than avant-garde. Beginning, y'all demand to trap the zombie villagers then they don't disappear. You then need a golden apple and a potion to cure the villager. When this is done, you'll have a happy villager that will sell yous items at a discount! If you're working inside a snow and water ice biome, you can build an igloo with a basement. At that place, a zombie villager and a priest volition spawn. Cure the zombie and you have two villagers and your own hamlet.

To proceed villagers in your village, players demand to build plenty housing.  A surplus of beds is needed as well as chests containing enough nutrient for the mob. Three pieces of edible food is recommended per single villager – bread is usually the all-time choice. Once these requirements are met, villagers will breed incessantly.

Minecraft is available now on Xbox, PlayStation, mobile, PC and Nintendo Switch.

- This article was updated on September 7th, 2021


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